Monday, May 24, 2010

Discrimination in the Dog World

Have you ever heard of Black Dog Syndrome? Don't feel bad if you haven't. I didn't learn about this until fall of last year. Along with learning about Black Dog Syndrome, I realized I was guilty in contributing to it subconsciously as many of us are.

So what is Black Dog Syndrome? BDS is a "phenomenon in which black dogs are passed over for adoption in favor of lighter colored animals." Black dogs are the group most euthanized in shelters. After I read about this, I recalled the dogs I put on my mental checklist when I was toying with the idea of finding my shih tzu a sibling. None of them were black and that wasn't done on purpose. I just gravitated toward lighter colored dogs.

I'm sure many people also do this without realizing it, just as I did. That is why it is important to make others aware of BDS so they can be mindful of not passing over a black dog when looking to adopt. In fact, making people aware of BDS may not only make them more conscientious to not overlook black dogs, but could also compel them to specifically adopt one. In other words:

More Knowledge of BDS = Less Black Dogs Euthanized

As animal lovers, we don't want to see any dog have to be euthanized because they are unwanted, regardless of their color. But lets give them all a fair chance. Besides, I've always been a sucker for the underdog...Pun intended. ;)

Touched by this post? Visit The Black Dog Rescue Project and make a donation to their cause.


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